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The Oxbo 2024 Calendar


January 202​4

1/25 - The Wolf Full Moon fills the sky. While the land sleeps, the roots reach deep and the plants renew for the Spring. 


February 202​4

2/2 - Imbolc / Candlemas lets us see the progress toward Spring. This is the ancient cross quarter day. We see the days getting longer are now half way to Spring Equinox.

2/24 - The Snow Full Moon fills the sky. As we pass the cross-quarter of the year, we contemplate the beauty of the land as it is covered in a blanket of white.


March 2024

3/19 - The Spring Equinox brings us into balance and ensures the return of the light. The sun brings us joy and hope for the future.


3/25 - The Worm Full Moon fills the sky. As we reach the cross-quarter of the year, we contemplate the beauty of the land as it is covered in a blanket of white.

April 202​4

4/8 - The Full Solar Eclipse fills the daytime sky. We will celebrate at the Oxbo, weather permitting. Bring your eclipse glasses and your sense of wonder and awe. 


4/23 - The Pink Full Moon fills the sky. The increased warmth brings life back to the land and to us.


May 202​4

5/1/23 - Beltaine or May Day brings the promise of fertility and fecundity. We celebrate the warmth and promise of prosperity. This is a cross quarter day - we are half-way to Summer Solstice.


5/4 - 5/5 Join us this weekend as we celebrate the Fest of Bel with bonfires and the raising of the May Pole. Bring your drums and your dance. Join the singers and players to raise the energy with the fire.

5/23 - The Flower Full Moon fills the sky. The increased warmth brings life back to the land and to us. 


5/24 - 5/27 Join us for our 6th annual Memorial Day celebration. Come for music at the Commons on Saturday. Woodbusters will provide bonfires each night. Everyone is encouraged to drum and dance the fire as you will. 

June 202​4

6/14 - 6/16 - We Celebrate LINDA's BIRTHDAY. Y'all come to celebrate LINDA! The fires and the drums will go all weekend. We'd love to see you there


6/21 - The Strawberry Full Moon fills the sky. We celebrate the joyous warmth and the gifts of the land.

6/21 - 6/22 - Join us as we Celebrate the Solstice with bonfires, drumming, dancing, and companionship on Friday Night. 


6/22 -  Everyone come for a day event to celebrate Pagan Pride and Artistry. Vendors of all varieties will be presenting their wares. Musicians and Performers will be gracing us with their talents. This is a day for celebration for all people. Everyone of good heart is welcome to come, interact, learn, enjoy, and celebrate the Solstice with Pride and companionship. 

6/28 - 6/30 Our Kinky Camping Friends will be joining us for a private event.   



July 202​4

7/4 - 7/7 -Join in for the Fourth of July celebrations. The usual shenanigans will ensue. Bring your chair and lean back.


7/21 - The Buck/Deer Full Moon fills the sky. 

7/26 - 7/28 - Ariadne's Crown. Ariadne is the Goddess of Labyrinths and Pathways. Join us for 3 days of festivities where you can explore 'the path.' We've got music, speakers, kinship, drumming, dancing, and kinship. We are currently accepting vendor and speaker applications. Contact us at  


August 202​4

8/1 - The cross quarter holiday of Lughnasadh. We are now half way to the Autumn Equinox.


8/2 - 8/4 - Our Kinky Camping Friends will join us for a private event.


8/17 - 8/18 - Camping Closed for a Private Party.

8/19 - The Sturgeon Super Moon fills the sky.

8/30 - 9/2 - Join us for our 8th annual Labor Day Celebration. Friends, family, and music are on tap. The music will be Saturday night at the Commons. All our regular celebrations will be happening. Come One, Come All.


September 202​4

8/30 - 9/2 - Join us for our 8th annual Labor Day Celebration. Friends, family, and music are on tap. The music will be Saturday night at the Commons. All our regular celebrations will be happening. Come One, Come All.


9/13 - 9/15 - We welcome our Kinky Kamping Friends for a great outside adventure. There will be fires at the Commons and activities throughout the weekend. This is a private event.

9/17 - The Harvest Super Full Moon fills the sky.


9/22 - Join us for  Fall Equinox. As the season winds down, we celebrate the change and the warmth of the fire. 


October 202​4

10/17 - The Hunters Super Full Moon fills the sky.

10/31 - The cross quarter holiday of Samhain. Enjoy your celebrations as you will. We are now half way to the Winter Solstice.

November 202​4

11/15 - The Beaver Super Full Moon fills the sky.

December 202​4

12/15 - The Cold/Hail Full Moon fills the sky.


12/21 - Celebrate the Winter Solstice with Fire and Light. The longest night of the year allows us time to reflect on our joys and plan for the future.

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